My blogging style
I have read a few blog posts from other bloggers about how they blog, their blogging habits/history and really enjoyed how other people go about blogging (
Zhenya started the blogging habit posts,
Micaela ,
Sandy and
Vedrana have written relevant/similar posts too). After reading, I thought to myself, "Hey! I am going to write a post about this as well". Let me begin by saying that I find it
weird when someone calls me a blogger and this actually
defines my blogging style. I am a blogger, maybe even an educational blogger,
but I don't feel like a blogger (then again, what does
that feel like?). Do I make sense? (Nah) So, anyway, let's get down to business!
What are my blogging habits? How do I blog?
Blogging habit #1
So, I guess from what you can already see from the first lines of this post,
I blog the way I talk. For me, blogging is like chatting with my friends over coffee and cakes. So, if you expect me to be more 'proper' cause I am a professional, a teacher, forget it! Actually, my blog posts are more like spontaneous speech moments (is that even a word/phrase?) and less like a written text. I have a
blurt-y blog.
Coffee in Paris |
Blogging habit #2
Checking: I spell-check and read my texts once, maybe twice. So, one of my weaknesses is that you may come across a little mistake, a typo or some odd dangling modifier in my blog posts (Luckily, when people spot a mistake, they let me know so I edit. You know who you are : ). Why do I do this? I do not know! I am a teacher for God's sake! I should be checking my writing already!! Maybe when you always correct other people's mistakes, you stop noticing yours, or your brain just gives up on you and doesn't respond to your mistakes or yada, yada, yada. I think it is mostly cause I don't consider blogging as part of my job. I don't think it is teaching. It is something fun for me and my ideas bubble up, so when I want them to come out, that's what they do. They pop out!! I blurt em out!! I also do not really realise/comprehend how many or if anyone reads what I write, so I am like, "Eh, it's me writing to myself. You just need to check once, twice and then publish".
Blogging habit #3
I stay up late at night or do not take a siesta cause I want to write a blog post. You want something even worse? I wake up at night and take notes of the things I want to share. I actually have a pencil and a note pad on my bedside table (seriously... should I start worrying about habits #2 & #3?).
Notebooks |
Blogging habit #4
To write or not to write?: I have unfinished posts. I have a lot of ideas about things I want to write about. I start writing one post and then start writing another one. The one that inspires me the most is the lucky duck post. The one that gets finished first. The other one just sits around waiting for TLC. I often write the outline of a blog post on the post's page. That way I have the backbone ready when I come back to the post later. The posts that take longer to write are the ones that have the unfinished 'statuses'. I have a post on conditionals pending at the moment. Why does this happen? Well, some of my posts require more brainstorming, longer texts, more pictures or finding more links to connect to my texts, so because they need more work, they take more time to finish. Writing a post about an ELT thought takes much less time. I sit down, start writing and am done quite quickly (see habit #2 for more info).
Blogging habit #5
I write about the things I am interested in. My blogging is like a me, me ,me fest. I write about the things I enjoy, and hopefully someone else, in a land far, far away will like it as well.
Blogging habit #6
My writing style is simple. I don't really use fancy words. I have noticed though that when I write posts about EAP, I tend to be a bit more formal. I think that is me, being a bit more 'academic'. I sometimes cross reference, I cite, I plan more, I draft and redraft. So, while in the rest of my posts I am chatty, wordy and the worst type of blogger eva, in my EAP posts, I am sometimes even a bit proud of my writing (nope, I am not getting big headed, I promise). On a more personal note here: I do feel that my writing has improved a bit since I first started blogging, so that is rewarding.
Blogging habit #7
I like chain or blog challenges. I sometimes take part in them. They are like taking a road trip with others.
Car in rural Crete |
Blogging habit #8
Playful blog posts: I use emoticons or smiley faces (sometimes sad faces : ( as well). I use direct speech. I like using bullet points but I rarely use numbers in my lists. I like using color as well. I think it adds character to my blog posts and emphasizes some of the points I want to make. In terms of theme, almost all my posts are related to education BUT I have a tab on my blog which is called
the gillie side of ELT, and there I write about fun, girlie ELT topics (yeah, I know.... ).
Blogging habit #9
I try to write regularly, at least one post a week. Sometimes I stick to my plan, others I don't!
Blogging habit #10
Once I have written a blog post, I start sharing. I share on Facebook, Twitter and sometimes LinkedIn.
Blogging habit that tops all the other blogging habits
I ramble, but I guess you already know that cause of the name of my blog : ) (see top of this page).
Notes to my future blogger self (or action plan if you prefer!):
- I need to proof read and edit myself more, and then even more.
- I need to get out of my comfort zone and maybe even write about something I don't really know that well. Something like a research writing blog post.
- I want to take part in more chains/challenges. I like reading people's stories and taking part in them.
- I want to improve my writing skill. I need to look into courses on writing (maybe even creative writing).
- I need to stop using the word so so much.
- I want to start using Eltpics and learn how to make infographics.
A final note
A friend of mine once told me "Joanna, you really like laughing at your own jokes" I think that applies to my blog posts as well. I smile when I write cause I think I am funny and I draw joy from my posts. I think that and the fact that I love teaching is what keeps me going. Blogging gives me the chance to talk about a great love; teaching. When you write about what you love, you write good (stuff).
Almost done....
I am really thankful to all the people who read, comment and share my posts. I feel really happy when I get asked to write guest posts or articles for blogs/ newsletters. It feels like I am doing something right in Blogsville.
Chania, Crete |
Feel free to comment in the comments section (I love reading comments btw so go ahead and write in the comments space, that's your space). If you have written a blogging habits post, add the link in the comments section and I will then add it to this post. Thanks for reading : ).
Till next time......